The Vintage View

This blog is dedicated to the dusty treasures that are found in Grandma's attic or basement. Also to the Packrats that never threw anything away and then kicked the bucket and left all these goodies for me to buy for cheap. But most of all it is dedicated to the "Indiana Jones" that lives inside all of us collectors seeking those dusty treasures out. Welcome To The Vintage View.

Location: Weimar, Texas, United States

Read about me:

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Hello Everyone, I know it's been like 100 yrs since I last posted. I have been so incredibly busy with other stuff, I havent had time to even say the word blog, much less post to one. Ah, well I can only post when I can right?

Well I have been working on my website for weeks and weeks..I think I finally have it the way I want it. Dont get me wrong, I still have lots to do, but at least its functional now. I dont think the average websurfer realizes how much time and effort goes into building a good website. I mean it isnt just listing stuff to sell. There is so much to creating and maintaning a good site, that it isnt even funny. You have to write descriptions and research the items and then there's advertising and keywords and on and on and on...good lawd! dont even get me started on that!. There's just a million things you have to do a million times over it seems.

Anyway, this store is by far the best I have ever put together and I have had more sales from it already than any of the others I have had in the past put together. I would like you all to check it out and leave your comments about it. You will see the Comments link on the left, once your on the site. Click here " Wittle Bills " to go to the site.

Well, I have another tip for you that you may not have been aware of. Your collecting and selling stuff all the time right? The stuff your not selling goes into your yardsale pile and the stuff that didnt sell at your yardsale, your just giving away free or throwing away. Well, you can take all the left over merchandise and haul it on down to the Salvation Army or the GoodWill Store and give it to them. Only, dont just drop it off. Go inside and tell them you would like to get a reciept for your donation. They can give you a reciept up to a certain amount and if you are able to itemize on your tax returns, you can write off the donation amount on your taxes. So in a way, you still get paid for your items.

Well, thats all I have for now. Dont forget to check out the store and tell me what you think of it. Till next time, you treasure seeker!
