The Vintage View

This blog is dedicated to the dusty treasures that are found in Grandma's attic or basement. Also to the Packrats that never threw anything away and then kicked the bucket and left all these goodies for me to buy for cheap. But most of all it is dedicated to the "Indiana Jones" that lives inside all of us collectors seeking those dusty treasures out. Welcome To The Vintage View.

Location: Weimar, Texas, United States

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Thursday, June 15, 2006

Vintage, what is vintage? What does it mean? The word vintage has many meanings, most of them pertaining to old wine or grapes. However, in our modern day society it simply means: No longer fashionable or modern. But most people dont view it that way. We think of vintage as something old that is maybe rare or hard to come by. So maybe you were wondering why you see so many people selling items on ebay and other places from say 1992 and calling it vintage. Well if its no longer fashionable or modern, then it really is vintage in the true sense of the meaning. Now that we have that straightened out, I can talk about the good stuff, The junk!


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