The Vintage View

This blog is dedicated to the dusty treasures that are found in Grandma's attic or basement. Also to the Packrats that never threw anything away and then kicked the bucket and left all these goodies for me to buy for cheap. But most of all it is dedicated to the "Indiana Jones" that lives inside all of us collectors seeking those dusty treasures out. Welcome To The Vintage View.

Location: Weimar, Texas, United States

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Thursday, July 27, 2006

Hello again everyone, It's been a little bit since my last post because I have been super busy. I opened a new store and it has takin much of my time. Check it out, Im very pleased with it.( Wittle Bill's ) Anyway, Here's the buzz around the collectible community. California pottery is starting to get hot, hot , hot. The older stuff, like from the 50s. I am sad because I have a few pieces of california pottery but they are later pieces. I guess I should have bought that stuff up when it was worthless.....Who knew? was so plentiful there wasn't much of a market for it. Here's another scoop for you too. If you dont have a Google Checkout account, you might want to get one now. Google Checkout is going to be the top competitor for ebay's Paypal. Many online retailers are going to start implementing Google Checkout into their websites. I have no doubts that Google Checkout is going to grow by leaps and bounds very soon. Its also cheaper for sellers to use it than to use Paypal...with a 2% final fee and 20 cent transaction fee. Setting it up can be a little daunting but you will figure it our eventually. Well, Im a little busy so I will try to post more later. In the mean time, happy hunting you treasure seekers!


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